JNTUH: B.Tech / B.Pharmacy - R16 Academic Regulations
A student after securing admission shall pursue the under graduate programme in B.Tech.
in a minimum period of four academic years (8 semesters), and a maximum period of eight
academic years (16 semesters) starting from the date of commencement of first year first
semester, failing which student shall forfeit seat in B.Tech course.
Each semester is structured to provide 24 credits,
totaling to 192 credits for the entire B.Tech. programme.
Each student shall secure 192 credits (with CGPA ≥ 5) required for the completion of the
under graduate programme and award of the B.Tech. degree.
Promotion Rules
- First year first semester to first year second semester
Regular course of study of first year first semester.
- First year second semester to second year first semester
Must have secured at least 24 credits
out of 48 credits i.e., 50% of credits
up to first year second semester from all the relevant regular and supplementary examinations, whether the student takes those examinations or not.- Second year first semester to second year second semester
Regular course of study of second year
first semester.
- Second year second semester to third year first semester
Must have secured at least 58
credits out of 96 credits i.e., 60% of
credits up to second year second
semester from all the relevant
regular and supplementary
examinations, whether the student
takes those examinations or not.
- Third year first semester to third year second semester
Regular course of study of third year
first semester.
- Third year second semester to F
- ourth year first semester
- Fourth year first semester to fourth year second semester
Regular course of study of fourth year first semester.
A student shall register for all subjects covering 192 credits as specified and listed in the
course structure, fulfills all the attendance and academic requirements for 192 credits,
‘earn all 192 credits’ by securing SGPA 5.0 (in each semester) and CGPA (at the end of
each successive semester) 5.0 to successfully complete the under graduate programme.
After securing the necessary 192 credits as specified for the successful completion of the
entire under graduate programme, the student can avail exemption of two subjects up to
6 credits, that is, one open elective and one professional elective subject or two professional elective subjects for optional drop out from these 192 credits earned; resulting in 186 credits for under graduate programme performance evaluation, i.e., the performance of the student in these 186 credits shall alone be taken into account for the calculation of ‘the final CGPA (at the end of under graduate programme, which takes the SGPA of the IV year II semester into account)’ , and shall be indicated in the grade card of IV year II semester. However, the performance of student in the earlier individual semesters, with the corresponding SGPA and CGPA for which grade cards have already been given will
not be altered.