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JNTUH: B.Tech / B.Pharmacy - R15 Revised Academic Regulations

B.Tech / B.Pharmacy - R15 [Regular Students] :

I Year to II Year :

A student will not be promoted from I Year to II Year unless he fulfills the academic requirement of 28 credits out of 56 credits of I year from all the examinations and secures prescribed minimum attendance in I year.

II Year to III Year :

A Students will not be promoted from Second Year to Third Year in he fails to Secure 50 Credits Out of 84 Credits in 2-1 or 68 Credits up to 2-2 out of 112 Credits. It doesn’t matters whether he has missed any examination. Also A Student must fulfill the Attendance requirements along with these.

III Year to IV Year

To be promoted from 3rd Year to 4th Year, every students must Secure not less than 84 Credits from the total Credits of 140 up to 3-1 Semester or a total of 100 Credits out of 168 up to 3-2 Semester.

B.Tech / B.Pharmacy - R15 [Lateral Entry Scheme Students] :

II Year to III Year

A student shall be promoted from II to III year only if he fulfills the academic requirement of 17 credits from one regular and one supplementary examinations of II year I semester irrespective of whether or not the candidate takes the examination and secures prescribed minimum attendance in II year II semester.

III Year to IV Year

A student shall be promoted from III year to IV year only if he fulfills the academic requirements of total 50 credits from the following examinations, whether the candidate takes the examinations or not and secures prescribed minimum attendance in III year II semester.
  • Two regular and two supplementary examinations of II year I semester.
  • Two regular and one supplementary examinations of II year II semester.
  • One regular and one supplementary examinations of III year I semester.

A student will be declared eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree if he fulfills the following academic regulations: 

1.1 The candidate shall pursue a course of study for not less than four academic years and not more than eight academic years. 

1.2 After eight academic years of course of study, the candidate is permitted to write the examinations for two more years.

 1.3 The candidate shall register for 1226 credits (224+2 (Gender Sensitization Course)) and secure 218 (216+2) credits.

 The student can avail exemption of two subjects up to 8 credits, that is, one open elective and one elective subject or two elective subjects
with compulsory subjects as listed in 
Compulsory Subjects 
 Subject Particulars:
 1 All practical subjects 
2 Industry oriented mini project 
3 Comprehensive Viva-Voice 
4 Seminar 
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