JNTUA : Revised Adjustment of marks for B.Tech Students admitted under R13 Regulations
Several students admitted under R13 regulations have represented for 0.15% adjustment of marks from the final semester subjects/project work and added to the failed theory subjects.
Under the above circumstances, permission is accorded to B.Tech students admitted under R13 and also students readmitted into R13 regulations, including lateral entry students admitted in AY 2014-15 only, for the adjustment of marks. The details are given below:
A maximum of 0.15% of the total marks allotted to all the theory subjects in the program may be adjusted from the theory subjects passed in the final year and / or from the project work, and added to a maximum of two theory subjects in which the student has failed. However, if the status of those two subjects does not change from fail to pass, the previous status remains. the same. This provision is not applicable to those students who have more than two backlogs in theory subjects and is applicable to the students passing out in 2016-17 only.
The Principals of all affiliated colleges / constituent college (JNTUA CEK) are requested to bring the same to the notice of the concerned. The students seeking adjustment of marks shall apply to the University through the college Principal.
Student Undertaking Form for AY 2016-17 for B.Tech (R13) – To adjust 0.15% Marks
Download Link 1 | Download Link 2
Note: Student has to surrender
1. IV Year II semester original marks memo
2. Marks memo(s) of the semester(s) concerned in which adjustment of marks in the failed subject(s) is requested.