Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University is famous in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana/Anantapur states for providing Education like B.TECH/B.E/B.Pharmacy. Every year more than 3 Lakhs students Join in the JNTU affiliated colleges for various coarse. Every year it conducts many examinations under semester pattern. Now the issue is that, the JNTU university is evaluating answer sheets in wrong way. This gives wrong grades for students.

Generally for SSC, each evaluator should correct 40 to 50 papers per a day. For Intermediate an evaluator can correct 40 to 40 papers per each day. But the JNTU is allotting 3 bundles of papers for each evaluator per a day. That means, and evaluator can get a chance to correct 150 papers. JNTU have given a set of new rules in order to make quality education. But no one is taking care about the evaluation procedure.
The engineering answer booklet will have 32 pages. On an average a student minimum tries to write at least 20-25 pages. But JNTU evaluators are correcting each answer sheet in just 6 minutes. This leads to malfunction. A student attempts his exam with lot of hard work and puts his full knowledge on answering. But by correcting the papers in just 6 minutes, the evaluator gets no time to read all those answers. Even those evaluators are under qualified to correct answer sheets.

Each Evaluator can correct the papers for 6 hours, that they can correct 15 papers in an hour. This year including B.Tech and B.Pharmacy 3 lakhs students had attempted their Semester exams. That means, about 15 Lakhs papers have to be corrected. But Jntu had allotted only 1100 evaluators for correcting those papers. Do you think these evaluators are enough to correct all those papers? This insufficient evaluators and careless management is the main reason for getting unexpected marks. Students who estimates to fail in exam may fortunately get a positive results. There are cases where the college topper got fail marks. All this occur only because of under qualified evaluators and fast evaluation. Revaluation is getting increased day by day. Most of the students get unexpected marks in their results. This lead to stressful situations. Students will opt to revaluation if they get less marks than they expected. Some students get single digit marks in regular correction, when he goes for revaluation they get 65 or something above. This creates a bad opinion in the students mind. Students are requesting JNTU management to look over this issue and evaluate their papers properly.