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JNTUH B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester Supplementary Major Project Viva-Voce External Examination Schedule - July 2024

 JNTUH It is requested to conduct all the above mentioned Advanced Supplementary B. Tech/B. Pharm viva-voce exams from 27-07-2024 to 02-08-2024. The award list of project stage - II major project exams should be uploaded on or before 05-082024. The cooperation of the Principals is highly solicited.

Note :
  • Above Mentioned Project Exams - B. Tech IV year II sem (R18 Regulations) supply and (R16, R15, R13 Regulations) major project viva-voce advanced supply external examination, B. Tech IV Year II sem Minor Degree Program advanced supply external examination & B.Pharm IV year II sem (R17 Regulations) viva-voce supply and (R16, R15, R13) major project viva-voce advanced supply external examinations.
  • Circular issued by JNTUH on 15-07-2023
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