JNTUH Special Supply Notification for B.Tech (R18) 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4-1, 4-2 Semester Examinations - December 2022
JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) The Principals of the constituent and affiliated Engineering Colleges are here by informed that the University Examination Branch issues notification for the conduct of B.Tech (R18) II- I, III-I, IV-I Sem, II-II, III-II and IV-II Sem Special Supply examinations during Dec -2022, for the A.Y. 2021-2022 outgoing supply students only. This Special Supply exam notification is issued for the conduct of following examination, due to COVID effect during the academic activity for the last two years.
JNTUH Exam Notifications is issued to conduct the following examinations
Note: As the expected number of special supply students for these exams are very less the University will identify minimum one exam centre in each cluster and will assign the exam centre to the students in their parent college cluster without asking students exams centre options.
The students appearing for the above examinations commencing from 06-12-2022 are to note that the on-line registration for University examinations will be carried out as per the time schedule given below:
Instructions | Start Date | End Date |
Without Late Fee | 21-11-2022 | 26-11-2022 |
With Late Fee of Rs. 100/- | 27-11-2022 | 29-11-2022 |
With Late Fee of Rs. 1000/- | 30-11-2022 | 30-11-2022 |
With Late Fee of Rs. 2000/- | 01-12-2022 | 01-12-2022 |
With Late Fee of Rs. 5000/- | 02-12-2022 | 04-12-2022 |
With Late Fee of Rs.10000/- *This late fee application should be manually submitted along with demand draft. | 05-12-2022 | Till end of the exam |
Note :
1. JNTUH through Proceeding No. JNTUH/EB/11148/2/2018 Dated.20-01-2018 have extended certain benefits to Physically Handicapped students (deaf, dumb, hearing impaired, orthopedically handicapped and visually handicapped) such as exemption from payment of examination fee and pass marks. The principals may submit the certificate of permanent disability in the year of admissions and it holds good for entire duration of the course. The colleges need not submit proof of disability for every series of exams (Only in case of permanent disability).
2. If there are any discrepancies like the question is incomplete in the question paper or a question is out of syllabus, all such discrepancies should be submitted to Director of Evaluation within 3 days of that examination. Otherwise such requests will not be entertained.
3. The request for the Challenge Valuation shall only be considered for those who applied for re-valuation in the specific subject.
4. Downloading of Hall Tickets 03-12-2022
5. Commencement of Supplementary Examinations 16-12-2022