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JNTUH Relaxation of promotion rules for B.Tech / B.Pharm / Pharm.D and Pharm.D(PB) courses in the current academic year 2021-22

 JNTU-Hyderabad ( JNTUH ) In the Minutes of the 47th meeting of SCAS read (1) above, in item (5) (point No.2) it was resolved that there shall be no credit-based detention for the academic year 2019-20, due to Covid-19 pandemic. The students who have been detained due to shortage of credits in the previous academic years were also promoted to next academic year. This relaxation was approved only for the academic year 2019-20. The information with reference to credit based detention was communicated through Director of Evaluation letters to the Principals of colleges and the same relaxation was extended for the academic year 2020-21 also, read (2 to 4).

In the current scenario of the consequential effect of pandemic, the University decided to relax credits for promotion to the next year of B.Tech. B.Pharm courses i.e. the students have to secure minimum of 25% of total credits and this reduction is applicable for the current academic year 2021-22 only (i.e. for promoting students to the academic year 2022-23), as given below:

Promotions FromRequired credits for
B.Tech Regular
Required credits for
B.Tech Lateral Entry
Required credits for
B.Pharmacy Regular
Required credits for
B.Pharmacy Lateral Entry
1st Year to 2nd Year9 Credits out of 37
12 credits out of 48
* 2nd Year to 3rd Year19 credits out of 7910 credits out of 4224 credits out of 9612 credits out of 48
* 3rd Year to 4th Year30 credits out of 12321 credits out of 8636 credits out of 14424 credits out of 96

Note : * = Secured credits to be considering up to September 2022 examinations

student For Pharm.D and Pharm.D. (PB) courses eligibility for promotion to next year by the has to appear for all the subjects and passed all the subjects with maximum of two backlog subjects.

In view of the B.Tech./ B.Pharm proposed relaxation, it is proposed for maximum of having 4 backlog subjects to promote to next year for the current academic year 2021-22 only (i.e. for promoting students to the academic year 2022-23) for Pharm.D and Pharm.D (PB) courses.

The above relaxations shall be applicable for the academic year 2021-2022 (i.e for promoting students to the academic year 2022-23) only and subject to ratification of Executive Council of the University.

From the current academic year 2022-23 (promotion to the academic year 2023-24) onwards the credit based detention will be implemented as per the existing academic Regulations in vogue as applicable to the respective academic regulations.

JNTUH Relaxation of promotion rules for B.Tech / B.Pharm / Pharm.D and Pharm.D(PB) courses in the current academic year 2021-22 only i.e. promoting students to the academic year 2022-23 - Approval - Orders.

Official Notification

Note : Circular issued by JNTUH on 17-10-2022
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