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JNTUH : Promotion Rules For B.Tech (R18) 1,2,3,4 Year - I & II Semesters [Regular/Lateral Entry]

 JNTUH B.Tech - R18 [Regular Students] : Promotion & Conditions to be fulfilled

S.NoPromotionConditions to be fulfilled
11-1 to 1-2 semesterRegular course of study of first year first semester
21-2 semester to 2-1 semester(i) Regular course of study of first year second semester.

(ii) Must have secured at least 18 credits out of 37 credits i.e., 50% credits up to first year second semester from all the relevant regular and supplementary examinations, whether the student takes those examinations or not.
32-1 semester to 2-2 semesterRegular course of study of second year first semester.
42-2 semester to 3-1 semester(i) Regular course of study of second year second semester.

(ii) Must have secured at least 47 credits out of 79 credits i.e., 60% credits up to second year second semester from all the relevant regular and supplementary examinations, whether the student takes those examinations or not.
53-1 semester to 3-2 semesterRegular course of study of third year first semester.
63-2 semester to 4-1 semester(i) Regular course of study of third year second semester.

(ii) Must have secured at least 73 credits out of 123 credits i.e., 60% credits up to third year second semester from all the relevant regular and supplementary examinations, whether the student takes those examinations or not.
74-1 semester to 4-2 semesterRegular course of study of fourth year first semester.

JNTUH B.Tech - R18 [Lateral Entry Scheme Students] : Promotion & Conditions to be fulfilled
2-1 semester to 2-2 semester :
  • Regular course of study of second year first semester.

2-2 semester to 3-1 semester :
  • Regular course of study of second year second semester.
  • Must have secured at least 25 credits out of 42 credits i.e., 60% credits up to second year second semester from all the relevant regular and supplementary examinations, whether the student takes those examinations or not.

3-1 semester to 3-2 semester :
  • Regular course of study of third year first semester.

3-2 semester to 4-1 semester :
  • Regular course of study of third year second semester.
  • Must have secured at least 51 credits out of 86 credits i.e., 60% credits up to third year second semester from all the relevant regular and supplementary examinations, whether the student takes those examinations or not.

4-1 semester to 4-2 semester :
  • Regular course of study of fourth year first semester.
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