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JNTUH Postponement of B.Tech/B.Pharmacy III year II Sem II Mid examinations scheduled on 11-07-2022 and 12-07-2022 intiamation-Reg.

 JNTUH Postponement of B.Tech/B.Pharmacy III year II Sem II Mid examinations 

scheduled on 11-07-2022 and 12-07-2022 intiamation-Reg.

B.Tech/B.Pharm III Year II Semester II Midterm Examinations scheduled on 11-07-2022 and 12-07-2022 have been

postponed and the rescheduled dates will be intimated soon. However, the remaining II Midterm Examinations

scheduled on 16-07-2022 will be conducted as per the schedule already given.

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