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JNTUH Rescheduling of UG and PG Exams May/June - 2022 intimation

 JNTUH As per the reference cited above, the University has declared summer holidays from 15-05-2022 to 29-05-2022. In view of it, the Rescheduled dates for various examinations are given below:

The B.Tech /B. Pharmacy I year I sem Regular /supply, I year supply, I-II supply and II-II & III-II (R09) special supply examination registrations revised Schedule is given below:

The revised dates for conducting exams for B.Tech /B.Pharmacy I year I sem Regular /supply, I year supply, I-II supply and II-II & III-II (R09) special supply Exams & MBA II sem supply and Pharm. D III, IV & V years regular/supply are as given below.

JNTUH Rescheduling of UG and PG Exams May/June - 2022 intimation
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