JNTUK B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 3-1 Semester Examinations Scheduled on 05-02-2022 are postponed to 11-02-2022
JNTUK All the Principals of affiliated colleges are hereby informed that in view of GATE - 2022 examination on 05-02-2022(Saturday), the University examination listed below are postponed to 11-02-2022 (Friday). The students may be informed accordingly.
S.No | Examination | Actual Date & Time | Revised Date & Time |
1 | III B.Tech/B.Pharmacy I Sem Regular/Supple. Exams, Feb.-2022 | 05-02-2022 (Saturday) (10:00 AM to 1:00 PM) | 11-02-2022 (Friday) (10:00 AM to 1:00 PM) |
JNTUK B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 3-1 Semester Examinations Scheduled on 05-02-2022 are postponed to 11-02-2022