, pub-5976446835962781, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

JNTUK Revised Dates For Fee Payment of B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 3-1, 3-2, 4-1 Semesters Exam Fee - June 2021

 JNTUK All the Principals of affiliated colleges are hereby informed that the last dates for Payment of examination fee by colleges through the link provided in Portal for IV B.Tech I Semester Advanced Supplementary & III B.Tech/B.Pharmacy I & II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations June 2021 are extended as follow:

Exam RegistrationActual DatesRevised Dates
Without late fee05.07.2021 (Monday)09.07.2021 (Friday)
With a late fee of Rs.100 /-07.07.2021 (Wednesday)10.07.2021 (Saturday)
With a late fee of Rs.1000 /-09.07.2021 (Friday)12.07.2021 (Monday)
Payment of fee by colleges through the
link provided in Portal
12.07.2021 (Monday)
13.07.2021 (Tuesday)
13.07.2021 (Tuesday)
14.07.2021 (Wednesday)

The colleges have to submit the printed payment form and filled in students application along with attendance report at office of the Controller of Examinations as per the schedule given below:
East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna,
15.07.2021 (Thursday)
Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Guntur, Prakasam16.07.2021 (Friday)
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