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JNTUA B.Pharmacy 1-1 Semester (R19) Regular Examinations Notification - July 2021

 JNTUA Examination Notification is issued to conduct the following examinations

  • B.Pharmacy I Year I Semester (R19) Regular Examinations July 2021 [For 2020-2021 admitted batches only]
Candidates appearing for the above examinations commencing from 05-07-2021 Tentatively are informed that the applications will be received as per the time schedule given below:
Examination RegistrationLast Date
Last date for registration29-06-2021

Examination Fee :
  • Whole Examinations : Rs. 700/-
  • Memorandum of Marks : Rs. 10/-
  • Cost of Application : Rs. 5/-
JNTUA B.Pharmacy 1-1 Semester (R19) Regular Examinations Notification - July 2021
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