JNTUK New Procedure For Obtaining Tatkal PC and Other Certificates
JNTUK In view of the rising COVID – 19 pandemic cases in University Examination Center, JNTUK Kakinada, the following new procedure is adopted for the issue of Tatkal PC and other certificate by the University Examination Center from 30.04.2021 to 08.05.2021.
The students can apply for Original Degree, Migration Certificates, Genuinity Certificates, etc., at www.jntukexams.net and certificates will be posted to the address specified by the candidates.
For obtaining Provisional Certificate under TATKAL scheme, the student need to pay the fee online at www.jntukexams.net and submit the required document viz., applications, SSC, and Marks Memos, etc., to the concerned colleges. After verification of applications, the colleges will submit the applications before 12 noon every day to the University Examination Branch through examination portal. The TATKAL PC applications will be processed immediately and a soft copy will be sent to the candidate and the principal of the college within 24 hours and hard copy will be sent by post to the address given.
For Transcripts, Duplicate PC & CMM, Duplicate OD, Duplicate Marks Memos, etc., the students need to pay required fee online at www.jntukexams.net and submit the document by post to “The Controller of Examinations, JNTUK Kakinada “. The requested certificates will be sent by post to the address given. Except for Original Degree and TATKAL PC, for an amount of Rs.50/- will be collected towards the postal charges in addition to the normal fee. The students may be informed accordingly.