JNTUH Instructions for conducting Lab external exams of B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 1-1, 1-2 Semester April 2021
JNTUH Instructions for conducting Lab external exams.
1. The external lab exams I B.Tech /B.Pharm I sem (Reg & Supply ), II sem supply may be conducted immediately after the mid – term exams.2. Based on the students preferences, the lab external exams may also be conducted at different host colleges in addition to parent college.
3. If the lab exams of any student are conducted at different host colleges, the lab award lists of those students should be obtained from the principals of the respective host colleges in sealed covers.
4. While uploading the external award lists exams of labs, the marks of the students who wrote their external lab exams at other host colleges should also be combined.
5. Host Colleges need not upload the award list of the lab exams of different parent colleges.
6. The last date for uploading external lab marks is 15-04-2021.