, pub-5976446835962781, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

JNTUH Notification for conducting of special exams for UG/PG Regular students who were absent due to covid-19 examinations Jan/Feb 2021

 JNTUH The Principals of the constituent and affiliated UG / PG Colleges are hereby informed that the University Examination Branch issues notification for conducting of special exams for UG/PG regular students who were absent due to covid-19 (treated as regular) examinations in the month of Jan/Feb-2021

The Principals are informed to verify the claim of the student, who approach your office for the registration in this COVID-19 special exam, whether the student was COVID-19 positive/quarantined during the period of their regular exams. A declaration need to be taken from the student to this effect (format of which may be prepared by the Principals of respective colleges)

The students appearing for the above examinations commencing from 20-01-2021 are informed to note time schedule given below

This notification is issued for conducting of following examinations:-
  • I B.Tech. II Sem.(R18) – Regular
  • II B.Tech. II Sem.(R18) – Regular
  • III B.Tech. II Sem.(R16) – Regular
  • I B.Pharm II Semester (R17) - Regular
  • II B.Pharm II Sem.(R17)- Regular
  • III B.Pharm.II Sem.(R17)- Regular
  • M.Tech I Year II Sem. (R19) Regular
  • M.Pharmacy I Year II Sem. (R19) Regular
  • Pharm.D I ,II,III,IV and V Years Regular
  • Pharm.D (PB) I and II Years Regular
  • MBA I-II Sem. (R19) Regular
  • MCA I-II Sem. (R19) Regular
  • MBA II-II Sem. (R17) Regular
  • MCA II-II Sem. (R17) Regular

EVENTStart date for students to Register for
Regular (at respective colleges)
Last date for students to Register for
Regular (at respective colleges)
Exam Registration Without Late Fee02-01-202105-01-2021
Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.100/-06-01-202107-01-2021
Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.1000/-08-01-202109-01-2021
Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.2000/-10-01-202111-01-2021
Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.5000/-12-01-202118-01-2021
Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.10000/- *
This late fee application should be manually
submitted along with demand draft
19-01-2021Till end of the exam

JNTUH Notification for conducting of special exams for UG/PG Regular students who were absent due to covid-19 (treated as regular) examinations in the month of Jan/Feb 2021

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