JNTUH Instructions to be followed in the examination hall due to COVID-19 pandemic (by the invigilators)
JNTUH Instructions to be followed in the examination hall due to Covid-19 pandemic (by the invigilators):
1) The room invigilators should sign on all the answer student booklets immediately after entering the exam hall and before issuing the booklets to the respective students.
2) The student signature on the Nominal roll need not be taken; instead the invigilator should visit the seat of the student, verify the hall-ticket from a distance, check whether he/she signed on the front page of the answer booklet and ascertain whether he/she sits at the allotted place and put a right mark at the space allocated for student signature in the nominal rolls.
3) Students are permitted to bring their own water bottles and hand sanitizers. Sharing of pens or any other stationary items among the students is strictly prohibited in the exam hall.
4) On completion of the exam, the students should be permitted to move out in an orderly manner one candidate at a time. The students should not getup from their seats until advised by the invigilator.