JNTUH B.Tech/B.Pharm I –I & I year (R09,R13 and R15) II-I ,III-I & IV-I supply Revised dates
JNTUH B.Tech/B.Pharm I –I & I year (R09,R13 and R15) II-I ,III-I & IV-I supply Revised dates
All the Principals are informed to note the revised schedules for various
activities of B.Tech/B.Pharm I–I & I
year (R09,R13 and R15) II-I ,III-I & IV-I supply, M.Tech/M.Pharm I-II Regular/supply & I-I supply and Pharm.D / Pharm.D(PB) Regular and
Supplementary and MBA I-II Regular/supply, I-I,II-I Supply, MCA I-II,II-II
Regular/Supply, I-I,II-I and III-I
supply Examinations as shown in Table-1 hereunder. These examinations (spell-2
examinations) are scheduled to commence from 12-10-2020 (Monday).
Official Notification -