JNTUH-Exam Branch- Conduct of IV-II Sem examinations
is proposed to conduct the IV-II semester examinations of B.Tech. and B.Pharm.
Courses from 16-09-2020. The detailed exam time table will be communicated
shortly. The Principals of non-autonomous colleges are informed to send the
options of the students on or before 25-08-2020 (refer the ref. 1 cited above).
It is also requested to furnish number of students that your college can
accommodate (following Covid-19 norms). For more details, please go through the
previous letter from this office(ref.1 cited above).
of the autonomous colleges have requested the examination branch of
JNTUH(EB-JNTUH) to extend its services to conduct IV-II semester examinations
of students of their respective colleges who are residing in different
districts. Accordingly, it is proposed to accommodate the students of
autonomous colleges, if the colleges request for the same. In this regard, the
procedure to be followed for conduct of exams at other host-centers is enclosed
in Annexure-1.
Official Notification -