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OU LL.M IV Semester (Regular) I,II,III & IV Sem (Backlog) and II & III Sem (Improvement) Examinations Notification - June/July 2020

Osmania University (OU) It is hereby notified that the LL.M IV-Semester Regular and I, II, III, & IV Semesters Backlog and II, & III Semesters Improvement Examinations pertaining to the candidates of University & Affiliated Colleges are scheduled to be held in the Month of Jun/Jul, 2020. The detailed Time-Table will be notified separately in due course.

The last date for payment of Examination fee and submission of Examination application forms (EAF online) as shown below:-

To Students : Payment of Examinations fee and submission of Examination application forms at their respective colleges.
  • Without late fee : 15-06-2020
  • With late fee of Rs. 200/- : 20-06-2020
Examination Fee Particulars:
1. LL.M I, II III & IV Semester Backlog and Improvement Exam Fee is Rs. 850/- + Rs.100/- (Memo Charges) Total fee is Rs. 950/-

2. Examination fee for LL.M IV Semester Regular Exam Fee is Rs.850/- + Rs.200/- (Thesis) + Rs.150/-(Provisional certificate) + Rs.100/- (Memo of Marks Charges) + Rs.50/- (Viva-Voce) Total fee is Rs 1350/- (Rs.50/-towards Viva-Voce should be retained by the principal of the concerned college) + Rs. 500/- (Consolidated memo) = Total fee is Rs 1850/-.

Note :
1. LL.M all Semesters candidates are advised to enclose copy of previous semester Memo of Marks/Copy of hall ticket to their application form

2. The candidates appearing for the above examinations should fill Examination Application Forms carefully and enclose Xerox Copies of Memorandum of Marks of earlier examinations duly attested by the Principal of the concerned Colleges for ready reference, failing which the forms will not be accepted. Xerox Copies of Examination Application Forms & photographs will not be considered.

3. Not to collect the Exam fee from Blind, Physically Disabled, Deaf & Dumb students as per O.U Order No. 1555/228/2007-08/Budget-V, dated: 25-03-2008. A Xerox Copy of Medical Certificate confirming their status as Handicapped (minimum percentage of disability must be of 40%) must be attached to the Application forms. Blind, Physically Disabled, Deaf & Dumb Students Application forms should be submitted separately along with Separate Nominal Roll.
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