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JNTUH Change in procedures of challenge valuation, correction of anomalies in the semester exam registrations due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown

The Principals of the colleges are informed to note the following clarifications with regards to challenge valuation, correction of anomalies in the semester exam registrations and uploaded attendance, due to COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown:

1)  IV B. Tech. /B.Pharm I Sem RCRV results have been announced and the results are made available in the results portal. If any student desires to apply for the Challenge Valuation, the student may be informed to transfer the applicable fee (Rs. 10,000/-) amount to your college Principal/Exam Branch account and after the last date, the challenge evaluation amount of all the students of a specified semester need to be transferred to University Examination Branch account.

The same procedure need to be followed as and when the RCRV results of other semesters are announced by the Examination Branch as long as the lock-down (due to Covid-19 pandemic) continues.

 The last date for applying IV B.Tech/B.Pharm. I Sem challenge valuation is extended upto 

2)  If there are any corrections in the registrations of University semester examinations of the students, all such cases need to be mentioned in a letter and the same need to be uploaded to registrations portals of respective courses using the Grievances service. If such anomaly attracts any fine, it will be intimated through the same portal to the Principals. 

The Principals have to arrange for the transfer of the fine amount. All the requested corrections will be incorporated.

3) If there is any correction in the uploaded attendence, it should be intimated through a letter (by Principal) and the same letter is to be uploaded to registrations portals of respective courses using the Grievances service. Along with the letter, the scanned copies of the attendance registers of the student(s) should also be uploaded as a proof of the claim. If the claim is found to be genuine, the request shall be accepted with an applicable fine amount.
                        The cooperation of the Principals is highly solicited.  

Thanking you
                                                                                      Yours Sincerely,

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