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JNTUA Biometric Attendance Monitoring System in all institutions

JNTUA (JNTU-Anantapur) This is to inform to all the Principals and Managements of all the Colleges that in order to receive the Full Tuition Fee reimbursement under Jagananna Vidya Deevena, the Aadhar based Bio-metric attendance of the students is mandatory.

The students have to give the Bio-metric attendance twice a day. in the Morning Session and also in the Afternoon session. You are directed to make these Aadhar based Rio-metric Attendance systems for the students ready for operation, immediately after lifting of the Lockdown period and the restoring of normalcy. Further. Admission process for the new academic year in respective institutes will commence only after receiving the compliance report from the Institute. Similarly. the Adhar Based Bio-metric attendance for the Teaching and Non-teaching staff is also mandatory as a documentary evidence in granting affiliations to the concerned Institution. Arrangements shall he made ready for this also. the number of biometric devices to be procured, should he based on number of students intake. i.e.. with a ratio 1:50.

The cooperation of all the Institutions is solicited in this regard and compliance report may be sent accordingly.
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