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JNTUK Institutions Remote Learning IITB closed due to Corona Virus outbreak till 31-03-2020


Remote Learning through IIT Bombay- Spoken Tutorial


All the Principals of Constituent and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada  is associated with Spoken
Tutorial IIT Bombay is recommending to engage students by referring them to learn IT
Software courses during the closure of Institutions till 31* March 2020 due to Corona
Virus Outbreak.


All the Principals ofConstituent and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK.

To Download the Tutorials.

  1. Select Foss category
  2. Level (Select All)
  3. Language-English-Telegu
  4. Then Click on ZiD File to download the material

Faculty Coordinator are requested to share the said link wlth students through
WhatsApp Groups or any mode. Students can learn remotely through given link and online
test will happen in campus itself when students will come back to college.
For any further queries Faculty can contact Andhra Training lvlanager-Sanchita
Samant,, cell: 9167330348

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