JNTUK 8th Convocation Notification 2020 - Apply for Original Degree (OD) through Online
Kakinada - 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Kakinada - 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India.
The VIII Convocation of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Kakinada is scheduled to be held in the month of April 2020 (actual Date and Time will be notified later). The Candidates who are qualified for award of Degree (UG/PG/PhD) during the academic year 2019 (passed out on or before 31-12-2019) and those who have taken PC between 01-01-2019 and 31-12-2019 are hereby informed to apply through ONLINE on or before 29-02-2020. To apply ONLINE and for payment, click on the link „Apply for Original Degree’ in the University website: www.jntuk.edu.in
Note: Those who have already applied for Original Degree in Pre-Convocation need not apply for the Convocation.
The Original Degree Certificates of all Bachelor Degree programmes and Master Degree programmes will be sent to the individuals to the address given in application form by Registered / Speed Post. Gold Medal recipients and PhD students can receive their degrees in person on the dais at the Convocation or by registered/ speed post in absentia.
The Gold Medal recipients and PhD students who wish to attend in person to receive their degrees are required to submit willingness letter available in the JNTUK website (www.jntuk.edu.in) and submit hard copy of the same along with a copy of provisional certificate to “The Directorate of Evaluation, JNTU Kakinada, Kakinada” on before 29-02-2020 positively in person.
Procedure to apply for OD (Original Degree) through online
Note : If any queries plz contact 0884-2300903,0884-2300940