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JNTUA B.Tech 1-1 Semester (R15) & 1st Year (R13, R09) Supple Exams (June/July 2019) CV Notification

CRV Notification Issued For :
  • B.Tech I Year I Semester (R15) Supplementary June/July 2019 Examinations
  • B.Tech I Year (R13) Supplementary June/July 2019 Examinations
  • B.Tech I Year (R09) Supplementary June/July 2019 Examinations

The candidates who wish to apply for challenge valuation of answer script should submit the requisitions to their Principals along with the attested statement of marks with necessary fee on or before 19.10.2019
  • The fee for challenge valuation is Rs. 10,000/- per subject
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