JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R13, R09) Supplementary Examinations (May/June 2019) RC Results
- RC Notification issued on 22-08-2019
- RC Results issued on 21-09-2019
There is no change in respect of all candidates who have applied for recounting for the above examinations.
JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations (June 2019) RC Results
There is no change in respect of all candidates who have applied for recounting for the above examinations.
JNTUA B.Tech 4-1 Semester (R13, R09) Supplementary Examinations (May/June 2019) RC Results
There is no change in respect of all candidates who have applied for recounting for the above examinations.