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JNTUH Relaxation of promotion rule for B.Tech II Year Lateral Entry students 2019

The Director of Evaluation, JNTUH, Hyderabad, stated that some representations have been received from B.Tech. II year students who belong to R16 regulations, requesting to relax the detention rules to enable their promotion to III year.

A committee was constituted as per Univ. Procs. No.RP/Student Rep./Committee/2018, dated 30-08-2018. 

As per R16 regulations, for promotion from I year (ii) semester to II year first (i), 
a student must have secured at least 24 credits out of 48 credits i.e., 50% credits upto I year (ii) semester from all relevant regular and supplementary examinations whether the student takes those examinations or not. 

For promotion from II year (ii) semester to III year (i) semester, a student must have secured at least 58 credits out of 96 credits i.e., 60% credits upto 11 year (ii) semester from all relevant regular and supplementary examinations whether the student takes those examinations or not. 

Whereas for Lateral Entry students, for promotion from II year (ii) semester to III year (i) semester, a student must have secured at least 29 credits out of 48 credits i.e., 60% credits upto II year (ii) semester from all relevant regular and supplementary examinations whether the student takes those examinations or not.

The IV year B.Tech. Regular students appear for a maximum of 10 University Examinations (I year I semester — 1 Regular and 3 Supplementary exams; I year II semester — I Regular and 2 Supplementary exams; II year I semester - 1 Regular and 1 Supplementary exam and II year II semester — I Regular Exam) by the end of II year II semester, out of which they have to acquire 60% of total credits. Lateral Entry students appear for a maximum of 3 University Examinations (II year I semester - 1 Regular and I Supplementary exam and II year II semester — 1 Regular Exam) by the end of II year II semester, from which they have to acquire 60% of total credits. Taking this parameter into consideration, the committee recommended that the promotion rule for B.Tech. II year Lateral Entry students may be relaxed to 50% of total credits.

The matter was placed in the XL Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Academic Senate under table item No.02 and the relaxation of promotion rule for B.Tech. 11 year Lateral Entry students from 60% to of 50% of total credits upto II year II semester from all relevant regular and supplementary exams for promoting them to III year from the Academic year 2019-20, was approved.

In pursuance of the recommendations of the Standing Committee of the Academic Senate, the Vice-Chancellor is pleased to accord permission to the Director of Evaluation, JNTUH, for Relaxation of promotion rule for B.Tech. II year Lateral Entry students from 60% to of 50% of total credits upto II year II semester from all relevant regular and supplementary exams for promoting them to III year from the Academic year 2019-20, subject to ratification by the Executive Council.
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