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JntuA: Revised B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2-1, 3-1 & 4-1 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2018-19

Revised B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2-1, 3-1 & 4-1 Semester Academic Calendar For Academic Year 2018-19

Commencement of Class Work : 02-07-2018

I Spell of Instructions : 02.07.2018 to 01.09.2018

I Mid Term Examinations : 04.09.2018 to 11.09.2018

II Spell of Instructions : 12.09.2018 to 09.11.2018

II Mid Term Examinations : 12.11.2018 to 17.11.2018

Preparation and Practicals : 19.11.2018 to 24.11.2018

End Examinations : 26.11.2018 to 07.12.2018

Commencement of Class Work for IV Year B.Tech / B.Pharmacy II Semester : 17.12.2018

Commencement of Class Work for II & III Year B.Tech / B.Pharmacy - II Semester : 27.12.2018

Download Official Notification Here [Revised Updated on 25-10-2018]

(i) The Mid-term Examinations should be conducted and completed as per the schedule given.

(ii) All the midterm examinations shall be of both objective and descriptive type as per the academic regulations.

(iii) II Semester supplementary examinations will be conducted immediately after I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations

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