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JNTUH : Procedure to Apply for PC & CMM [B.Tech / B.Pharmacy Students]

Procedure to Apply For Provisional Certificates (PC) & Consolidated Marks Memos (CMM) For B.Tech / B.Pharmacy Students​

I) B.Tech Students Who are applying in Normal Process in your respective college [If you are leaving 1 or 2 subjects under exemption rule] :
The Principals are requested to follow the instructions given below when forwarding the “Undertakings” for issue of CMM and PC to B.Tech. (R05, R07 and R09 regulations) students.

1. Download Undertaking Forms from the below url's for respective batches

Undertaking Form : R13 || R09 || R07 & R05

2. Print it on the Letter-head of the college.

3. Duly filled “Undertaking” may be forwarded with the signature of the Principal and the seal of the college

4. Do not attach photo-copies of marks memos.

II) B.Tech Students Who are applying in tatkal Process directly at JNTUH [If you are leaving 1 or 2 subjects under exemption rule] :
Tatkal Process :
1. Just fill the undertaking form, Print it on the Letter-head of the college along with Principal Sign & College seal/stamp.

Undertaking Form : R13 || R09 || R07 & R05

2. No objection certificate from the college principal. Print the application on college letter-head dully signed by Principal.

Download No Objection Letter Here

3. SSC Xerox Copy

4. Amount of Rs. 2000/- [For PC & CMM]. If u need 4-2 memo even in tatkal process then Rs.1000/- to be taken in additional to PC,CMM amount.

Note :

Do not attach photo-copies of marks memos.

Submit the above documents at students service counters at JNTUH exam branch building to get the memos on the same day or within 2 to 3 days.

III) B.Tech / B.Pharmacy Students Who are applying in tatkal Process directly at JNTUH [If you cleared all subjects from 1 to 4 years & if you are in a urgent need of memos] :
Tatkal Process :
1. No objection certificate from the college principal. Print the application on college letter-head dully signed by Principal.

Download No Objection Letter Here

2. SSC Xerox Copy

3. Amount of Rs. 2000/- [For PC & CMM]. If u need 4-2 memo even in tatkal process then Rs.1000/- to be taken in additional to PC,CMM amount.

Note :

Do not attach photo-copies of marks memos.

Submit the above documents at students service counters at JNTUH exam branch building to get the memos on the same day or within 2 to 3 days.

Note : The Prescribed amount of fee is Rs.2000/- , in the form of State Bank of India challan only. The challan can be payable in any Branch of State Bank of India.

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