, pub-5976446835962781, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

JNTUK : B.Tech 1-1 Semester (R16) Supplementary Examinations Results - May 2017

B.Tech 1-1 Semester (R16) Supplementary Examinations Results - May 2017


Last date for Revaluation/Recounting/Challenge Revaluation is : 14-09-2017

"-1" in the filed of externals indicates student ABSENT for the respective subject.

"-2" in the filed of externals indicates student WITHHELD for the respective subject.

"-3" in the filed of externals indicates student MALPRACTICE for the respective subject.

Please inform to the students to enter subject codes for applying Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge By Revaluation

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